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20 January 2010

OCD Anyone?

I have a little problem.  I'm a self proclaimed picker/scratcher.  Did I lose you?  LOL!  If see a bump {pimple, white head, black head} I have to get it!  Have.To.Get.It.  I just can't help it.  If I get a mosquito bite...I must scratch it...usually till it bleeds.  I know, it's disgusting and gross.  But I just can't stop!  And it's not just if I have the bump.  I do it to Boog too, and Tab.  Tab runs from me, I don't blame him, I look slightly crazed when I'm coming at him ready to pop that bump.

I would be an excellent aesthetician.  I could do facials with extractions for hours!  On the rare occasion that I do get the luxury of having a facial {like once a year LOL!}, I request the best person for extractions.  I will literally sit for an hour or more picking at my face.  Okay, now that I have thoroughly grossed y'all out, on to the real reason behind this post!

Boog has a loose tooth.  Really loose.  And it is making me crazy!  I pulled her 1st tooth and her 2nd but, she won't let me near her third.  I was the kid who pulled all my own teeth, probably before they were really ready.  When I had braces I would sit on my bathroom counter with my tweezers, pull off each rubberband, then I would pull out the wire.  Then I would put it all back together again.  So this tooth of Boog's is making me crazy!

She told me tonight that I could try once while she was sleeping!  I was cracking up!  And the worst part is...I'm actually thinking about it!  So tell me, are you like this?  Or am I the only crazy person out here?


Camily said...

You totally crack me up! I'm so glad you posted this! I'm not like OCD about this, but I am definitely OCD. I have this thing about counting stairs. I always, always count them. Every where I go. Every time. We have stairs in our house and I still count them every single time I go up or down. OCD. I know!

Linsey said...

I am really happy to know i'm not the only one like this! I don't care if the bump is on me, a friend, or boyfriend...i have to get it! also, on a similarly creepy note-i love pulling out beard whiskers-you know when there is more than one hair in the same follicle or one just really fat juicy hair...i know, i need help!

thanks for posting! this is the first time i've read your blog but i'm hooked!

Leslie said...

I'm a total picker/popper! Mine is bad enough that many times before bedtime, the hubs will say, "I have a present for you." This is his way of telling me there's a big bump somewhere that I can pop. :) I'm glad to know I'm not the only REALLY gross person doing this in the world.

And Camily, I type things in my head constantly. In church, I try to keep up with the hymns or sermon. I try to type out conversations (and sometimes I'll notice I'm actually tapping my fingers on my legs actually typing things out - yikes!). And the sickest part of this is that I even type to the beat of music or my own walking - any beat will do. I just type "I did it! I did it! I did it!" over and over to whatever beat is around. Pretty sure I developed the typing obsession during "timed tests" in typing class in high school. Not sure why I started with "I did it!" though. :) haha!

Linsey said...

leslie...i do something similar-i took sign language in high school and i find myself finger-spelling conversations i'm having or if i'm not too interested in the conversation i'm listening to, i'll start finger-spelling the thoughts running through my head as i start to tune out the person talking. i always wonder if anyone notices but so far i haven't been 'caught'

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

Ha ha ha that would not be a fun way to wake up. I saw this one kid that tired a brick to his too and dropped the brink which pulled out the tooth. Ahh no thank you. He was a brave little boy!

Happy weekend to ya!


Laurie said...

LOL!! I am not as bad as you...but I definitely am a pimple popper. I can't let any go by and lately poor Gav has been my target. He has just turned 12 and has been getting a few pimples. I tell him I would have to leave him alone if he would only use his STRIDEX every night!!!