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27 January 2010

Brenda's Dead

Dear Brenda,

I tried really hard to get to know you.  There was just always some disconnect between us.  I'm sorry you had to go, but really it was for my own sanity that you had to go away.  Please forgive me, you were so good to me while you were here.


I'm back!  I just couldn't take it anymore!  I'm just a blonde, the brown was nice for the past 2 1/2 months, but I was so over it!


Frugal Jen said...

Alicia = Blonde to me. You always will be. Welcome back!

Rebecca said...

looks great alicia!

Martha Jones said...


Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

I really think you look great with either color…I’m not just saying that…….really you do. I took my highlights out a few months back and I’m really missing them. Lighter hair is just more fun. Kent and I were looking through some pictures I just had printed and he kept talking about how he liked my hair better lighter, so do I. I’m calling tomorrow to see if I can get in this week to spruce it up a little.

Trina said...

I agree with Kendra, you really do look great both ways. But blonde is way more fun ;)