I have missed several weeks since I was sick and all, so I have lots of stored up thoughts! Hope you can bear with me!
-Have I ever told you how much I love shoes? It's an obsession...no, really, it is. Ask anyone who knows me. My mom used to call me Imelda Marcos. Not that I really had 2700 pair of shoes, the worst I got was around 300, but Caroline's dad made me get rid of about half of them! So now, over time I'm at about 85. And I no longer spend every penny of my paycheck on shoes alone...that was years ago! But, I just love them. Please don't think I'm a shoe snob though...I like cheap ones, designer, what ever I find that I like. I love heels, flip flops, wedges...I just love them! And yes, I have read Shoe Addicts Anonymous...LOL! Anyway, one of my favorite pair of heels broke, and it makes me very sad.

-I got a new candle. It smells so good that I could eat it! So yummy!
Circle E - Almond Creme Cake

And of course you Texas girls know the best Circle E Candle of all : Bird of Paradise. If you have never heard of these candles, or smelled Bird of Paradise, I can assure you that if you want a candle that smells delicious, and makes the WHOLE house smell yummy, this is the one! Order one, you'll thank me!
-Caroline loves to go farming with Tab. I know I've briefly mentioned that during harvest time, honey works for a friend farming. Most of the time he makes the hauls to the grain lots to drop of the crops. So you can imagine that he drives a huge 18-wheeler to haul the corn, milo, or wheat. Caroline loves to ride with him. It's only a few miles to Crawford {where they haul the crops} from the fields, so every once in a while I will let her ride with Tab. She got to go recently, and had a blast! Oh, and so you don't think I'm totally crazy, the truck he drives has a nickname...we call him Harvey!
Caroline wanted to climb up into Harvey by herself

Tab helping get her seat belt and booster seat situated

All buckled and ready to go!

Kissy face as they pulled out

-I just realized school starts in a month! Where did the summer go? I blinked and its almost over! Now I have to start school shopping! Ugghhhh!
-This dog truly has such a hard life

Have a great day friends!
SHoes! I would love to see your collection. I think I have alot of shoes until I read about people like you who have 85 pairs! Where on earth do you keep them all. I'm tryig to count how many I have in my head...hold on....definitely less than 30 pairs!
Love the kissy face out the window from Caroline , so sweet!
Caroline has such a great relationship with Tab...LOVE it! Can't believe school starts in a month and a few days...SERIOUSLY?! Time sure does fly!
Poor puppy looks so hard done by. She is the cutest thing, next to Caroline of course.
Hope you are feeling 100% better.
Miss you guys.
I'm with ya girl-TOTAL shoe-freak!! I have 3 "shoe organizers" in my closet and one is overflowing right now-maybe need to get rid of some like you did too? Circle E candles are the best, too! If you come to big D, we can go shoe shopping :)
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