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05 November 2010

Cheer Baby, Cheer!

I think I've mentioned before that Caroline is on a competitive cheer team...maybe not?  I'll be honest, everything is a big blur this week, LOL, but that's a whole 'nother post!  Boog really wanted to tryout for cheerleading at the gym she takes tumbling at, so she did, and she made the team!  Which to be honest, totally shocked me!  I promise I'm not being mean, it's just that I do not have a cheerleading bone in my body, including tumbling skills, but I danced from the time I was 2 until I was 18.  I always imagined that would be the same road for her.  Nope!  My little girl has got some tumbling skills!  Ha!  Never would have thought it, but she's pretty darn good for just starting out.

They had their 1st competition last weekend in Garland, and although they didn't win, they did get 3rd!  I was very proud of her team!  They were so cute out there!
***Sorry...most of the pics from the competition floor turned out blurry!***

hehehe....the "cheer dad's" got shirts too, but we put sparkles on Caroline's dad's shirt!!! hehehe


Martha Jones said...

Great job, Caroline! What an adorable cheerleader!

Frugal Jen said...

How cute!! Love those little cheer outfits. Hoping one of my 3 girls will want to cheer. TMaybe my Caroline will want to. Those days are so fun.