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12 November 2010

Blog Designs

Wow!  What a week...or 2 weeks really!  Caroline was sick all last week, I had to stay home with her for 4 days!  Poor thing had fever in the 103's-104's all week, it was awful!  Don't you just hate it when your kiddos are sick?  But really, that's not the point today.

I've dabbled with blog designing for the last year or so...mostly for fun, and to feed my creative instincts!  I've never charged anyone to design a blog, and I was thinking that maybe I would try my hand at actually having a business doing it.  Not full time, but since I do it anyway, why not make it part of my business?  Trust me, I'm not an expert, but I do know a little about what I'm doing!'s my plan:  For the first 20 people who want a new blog design, I'll work with you to get you what you want for the sweet low price of $40!!!  This will include:

*sidebar headings {unlimited}
*2-3 columns {with a wider posting space}
*custom signature
*blog button

I'm not sure that this will take off, but I love to design blogs!  And the good part is that I'm really not trying to make a killing doing this, but more that I love doing it, and it does take time, but I don't want to charge an arm and a leg for it!

If you are interested, please leave me a comment with your contact info, ie: email address!  Or you can contact me at:  carolinasunshinedesigns {at} yahoo {dot} com.

And so you know what your getting into, here are a few blogs/headers that I have designed:



Etsy Header



Brittani said...

I am totally interested for my work blog. i am trying to get it started and I think this may be the trick! our non functional blog and website are and my email is brittikay[at]gmail[dot]com

Shorty said...

Way to go, Alicia! That's awesome! I hope this ends up being a great side job for you. Who know, you could turn it into a full-time thing one day!

Frugal Jen said...

Yes, your the best!!!