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06 October 2010

Sassy Pants vs. Mommy

My mornings have turned into a battle of wills...Sassy Pants vs. Mommy.

I dread getting Caroline up and ready...I never know what is going to happen!  Lately she hates all her clothes.  When did 7 year olds start being sooo opinionated about their clothes?  She has a few things {literally} that she wants to wear.  And to top it off, the things she wants to wear are things that I consider to be play clothes and look a little worn out.  And don't get me started on shoes!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!

Please tell me I'm not the only one?  Please tell me your daughters {or sons} do this too.....

We've tried picking her clothes out before bed.  That works, but only sometimes.  We've taken away privileges, she could care less.  I just don't know what else to do!  Now, I know what my step-mom would tell me.  She'd say that there was no option, that Caroline would just have to get over it and wear what was laid out, no arguments.  And I agree, I'm just not very good at putting that into action.  

Seriously, one morning I may let her pick things out herself and take a picture to show you.  It's just awful!  She doesn't want to fix her hair, let alone even bother to brush it.  She used to let me get her all cutesied up {yes, I made that up}, fix her hair with big bows or headbands...but now, she looks like a little homeless girl.  I'm utterly embarrassed when I drop her off at school.  Luckily the teachers all know me and they know that she is strong willed and dressing herself these days.

Every morning ends up with tears and hurt feelings.  Her crying all the way to school while I give her the consequences of her morning behavior.  I feel rotten by the time I get to work.  It stinks!  I'm not sure if it's her wanting to dress like a friend, or if she's just decided to be a pain!  I need help!  I hope your mornings are smoother than ours!


Nicole said...

When Kyndal was in about the 4th grade, she started wanting to wear the same clothes all the time and look like a slob. I fought it and fought it. But then I was at the school one day and saw that all the kids looked that way. I thought, "If she doesn't care, why should I?" That's when I backed off. It was that way for a few years. Didn't end up hurting her or me a bit. Of course there are limits: torn or dirty clothes, things too small, etc. But there are bigger things to fight about, certainly. Believe me there will be bigger things to fight about later.

Earth Mama Sarah said...

All Ruby wants to wear right now is dresses. Even when they're two sizes too small and more like shirts. I tell her she has to wear shorts or pants with them, and she just puffs out her lips at me! I pretty much let her pick out her clothes, which most of the time don't match!, but it's cute and funny. You can torture her with pictures later!