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22 October 2010

Excuse Me... Your Gonna Put What... Where?

Never again...N.E.V.E.R.

A few days ago I had an HSG {hysterosalpingogram} performed.  Worst pain I've ever experienced. I mean screaming on the table {using ugly words}, hitting the x-ray machine, yelling at my doctor pain.  It was worse than my c-section.  Yes, I'm aware that I was numb during the c-section, but I mean the whole process, ya know, the recovery.  This was worse.  

I believed the doctors when they told me it would be a little uncomfortable.  They lied.  And so did everyone else I know who's had this procedure.  You see when I walked in, I knew they had lied to me.  When I saw all the "tools" on the table I wanted to leave.   Now this next part is going to explain in normal people terms what those evil people did to me.

At first it was like a normal old pap smear, which isn't pleasant but tolerable.  Then they tell me I'm going to feel a big pinch.  Big pinch my @$$, they tried to remove my cervix with a screwdriver!  Then it just went downhill from there.  When they told me they were going to inject the contrast I was a little freaked out.  I came off the table screaming!!!  It felt like they were setting me on fire from the inside.  I actually begged them to stop.  I think Tab wanted to run from the room!
  Once they did finally stop and removed the lovely tools, I felt better.  Not much better, but it was an improvement.  They told me that everything looked great.  Tubes were clear {fallopian} and my uterus was the right size, shape and in the right place!  Great, let's make us a baby!  

Later that night, I was ready to die.  My whole abdomen was full of sharp, stinging pain.  Nothing helped.  By 10pm I had a fever.  I called a friend who's hubby is a doctor, he performs this same procedure, and he told me to go to the ER.  So after I cried for about 10 minutes, we load Caroline up and drop her off at her dad's and head to the hospital.  I waited, they put me in a room, ran tons of tests and released me the next day.  They said I was fine.  I already had an appointment that same day to have an ultrasound done with the doctor who performed the HSG, so we talked when I got there.  He had the nerve to tell me that sometimes that just happens!

All this happened Tuesday/Wednesday.  I'm still hurting.  And I get to go back again tomorrow, well today actually, and have another procedure done.  What's all this for?  I'm getting to that, I promise.

I really wanted to do this without talking about it, but I know that if I don't document it, I will forget what I was going through at this exact moment in my life.  What I felt, what exactly I went through.

I've briefly talked about it before...infertility. 

What a heavy word.  I'm not sure how I feel about that word.  I know that I didn't have any problems when I conceived Caroline.  But things have changed.  We're not sure if there is any change in me or not.  I know the main reason behind it, but I won't be sharing that here.  I've been under the impression that I was fine.  But after 3 try's at IUI with negative results, I question that.  But, then again, the statistics aren't that great when trying to conceive.  Did you know that?  I sure didn't!  Only 16% each cycle!  Which just tells me that it's all in His hands anyway.  But it doesn't mean I don't hurt for a baby.

I beg God for a baby...daily.  Does he hear me?  I'm sure he does.  Is that in His plan?  I have no clue!  I just have to wait it out. 

We're on our 4th try.  I'm scared, hopeful, excited and terrified all at once.  That was why I had the oh so fun HSG procedure done.  To make sure there isn't anything wrong with me.  And it looks like I'm fine.

When I went in Wednesday for the ultrasound, they saw 2 follicles {eggs}.  I was a little disappointed because they had me on all kinds of fertility drugs this time, and I expected there would be a lot more eggs!  But, of course I know that it only takes one egg!  They gave me my trigger shot, and we go in the morning to try to make a baby make a baby!

Please keep us in your prayers in the morning, and in the weeks to come.  I just pray that this is the time.  That this is His plan for us, for our family.


Shorty said...

Hang in the, Alicia. I'm so sorry for the pain you're going through, physically and I'm sure emotionally as well. I'll definitely pray for you and your husband!

HollyDoll said...

I am so sorry you had to endure that TERRIBLE test! I have done that one and it does hurt!
But the plus side was the month after is when I got pregnant with Jace! I think it helps to flush it all out to make a nice clean home for that next baby! I am praying for you and your family to expand :)

Love you girlie!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Praying for you, Alicia...