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21 September 2010

Shamrock, TX

At the very beginning of the summer {in fact, school may not have been out yet!} Caroline & I took a trip to the top of Texas!  Back in February I talked about Tab making a career change, well he was working up there and we missed him!  So we took a road trip to a little itty bitty Texas town named Shamrock.  It's about 90 miles east of Amarillo and about 20 miles west of Oklahoma.  I'm taking this town is tiny.  But I loved this place!  I have a deep love and appreciation for little, old towns.  They just tug on my heart.  The history, the beauty, the way of life....

I was busy looking at every thing I could and taking pictures too.  Here is a re-cap...

Does anyone recognize the gas station in the above picture?  Or maybe the Conoco part of the building?

Yep!  The Tower station was the inspiration for Ramone's in the Movie Cars...why, because it was also on old Route 66!  Cool huh?  Caroline thought that was awesome!!!

Tab's been back home since June!  Yay!!!!!  But we all want to go back and visit Shamrock!


Camily said...

I know we've talked about this before, but I have family there and we go quite a bit. We love it! Your pictures are beautiful! You did a great job!!

T said...

I LOVE these pictures, they are awesome!

Dina said...

I love old towns too! Your pictures are amazing. You need to do it for a living!