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13 September 2010

Crazy Summer Fun

Since I've never gotten around to posting sooooo many things this past several months, I'm checking one off my list!  Haha!  I don't know why it's been so difficult for me to get on here and post things, especially since the #1 reason for blogging is to document the things I don't want to forget about our lives!  I've just found that lately I've simply had to put it on the back burner because we have so many more important things to take care of, and blogging just ends up last.  I want to get out of that though because I look back over the past years of blogging and have such great memories!

Over the summer Caroline went to this amazing summer camp that a local church has had for years.  I'd never heard of it until a sweet friend from work brought me a brochure and told me she thought Caroline would love it.  So I have to thank Leigh Ann for such a great recommendation!  I've never seen Caroline so in love with going somewhere during the day!  I adored this program, and of course for her, I really wanted her to go somewhere with a Christian influence.  Guess what her favorite part of the day was?  Daily worship service!  That makes a momma's heart burst with joy!  At the end of camp, they had a musical and I wanted to share some of the pics from the musical because they just crack me up!

Ohhhh how she makes me laugh!  I can't wait to look back on these pictures one day and show her what a silly, silly girl she was!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Her expressions are saying, "Enough with the camera! I mean, REALLY!" So funny!