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01 August 2010


Today has been a day of purging....the house that is!  I have gone through closets and drawers, and I'm done.  Well, at least for today!  I'm considering having a blog sale...but I'm not sure it would benefit me since I have only a few readers.  I cleaned out all of Caroline's clothes/shoes, and have several bags for Goodwill, but also so much stuff that's still in great condition.  I may just take it to a local resale shop instead.

After a good long hard days work, I have been daydreaming a little.  Oh...the things I'd like to run out and buy! But, I can't do that, I have to be good!  But a girl can still dream right?

Of course my go to items are always bags and shoes!  I just can't help it!  I love them!

*all of the above are from Anthropologie

Now I have plenty of other things I'd like to get, who doesn't?  I had a friend once tell me that when she was upset or stressed, she would window shop till she forgot what her troubles were.  The funniest thing about it was that she actually loaded up on all the stuff she wanted and would then leave the "buggy" in the middle of the store and leave!  I know how that sounds, but in total disclosure, I have done this too.  I know how mean it sounds to just leave all that stuff for someone else to clean up, but I have to admit, it sure made me forget what was on my mind in the 1st place!
Not that I'm advising that anyone run out and do this, but, it did make me forget my troubles.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend, I know I have!  We had no plans!  I got to work on the sign I'm painting with my brother, and I got to go to the grocery store without Caroline!  Of course that sounds silly, but all you mommies know what a pleasure it is to not have to take the kiddos to the store with you!  Hope y'all have a great week!

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