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22 August 2010

The Great Debate: Back to School

I've been noticing a trend the last few weeks in the parenting world...Back to School.  Good or Bad?  Happy or Sad?  This has been all over.  Whether you Facebook or Blog, it's the topic of most moms these days.  
Where do you stand in The Great Debate?

Tons of moms are debating the big deal.  "So what, your kids are starting Kindergarten" or "I'm so sad, they're growing up so fast".  To be honest, I know where I stand {and I'll get around to telling you I promise!} and many other moms know where they stand too.  I guess there's not really a right or wrong in this, just opinions.  You can place this right on up there with being a working mom vs. a stay at home mom, because really, they go hand in hand.

My first thought would be that the stay at home moms would be sad.  They have gotten the privilege and joy {and huge job} to stay home and raise their little ones.  And in return, those of us who have an out of the house job are sad because we already miss a lot everyday.  But I can also see the opposite of both situations too.  SAHM's are thrilled to have a little more time on their hands and send their little ones out in the world to learn a little more and socially interact, whereas WOOHM's {work out of home mom's, and yes, I just made that up!} are thrilled to not have the additional costs of summer child care once they go to school.  

***I think whatever you choose to do is great!  I have had the privilege to do both, so I'm not knocking either one!***

What I'm beginning to see is how my first inclinations on the subject are dead wrong.  I've seen, heard and read more SAHM's saying they don't know what the big deal is about their kids starting school.  "What's all the fuss about?" or "It's not like they're going off to college, it's just {insert grade level here}".  It's the Great Debate.

My personal thought...everybody is different.  We all feel differently.  
About parenting in general and about specific topics of parenting.
And boy have I really learned that this year, and what's more, I'm learning to accept that.

When I first started hearing about moms being happy school was about to start, it made me sad.  Now before you start leaving ugly comments, hear me out!  I've had to realize that every parent is different, and that doesn't make them wrong, or my views right.  They're just different views.  I have no clue what goes on in other parents lives or what they have to deal with everyday.  If I had 5 kids, I might not be sad about one starting school, but that's not something I have experience with so I can't really have an idea of how they might feel.  It may make me sad, but that's just because I'm a big sappy momma!  On the other hand, those same momma's don't have just one child like I do, so I can't exactly expect them to understand my sadness when I send Caroline off to school each year.

I know a lot of moms who may not be full time SAHM's but were able to be home during the summer with their kids, and I know a lot of SAHM's.  It's funny to me to see how each mom varies in their views on school starting.  I do have to admit that for me, the cost of summer care ending makes me do a happy dance!

As a whole, for me, it's heartbreaking.  Of course, for those of you who know me, this won't really be surprising to you!  I'm a huge sentimental sap.  So just about every milestone in Caroline's life makes me cry.  I cried when she lost her first, I don't cry with each one she looses, but that first one...

Each year she starts school is just another year that she has grown, learned, and become her own person.  Each year I have to realize she's not my tiny baby anymore.  And while that's sad, it's also exciting.  I love to watch her learn and grow.  Everyday I feel so blessed that I get to be her mommy.  That I was given such an unbelievable gift from God.  And while I know nothing will ever change the fact that I'm her mommy and she's my baby {no matter how old}, each year I take her that first day,  she has crossed yet another milestone.  It makes me sad.  It makes me happy.  But most of all it makes me appreciate each day and each step of her journey in life.

I'm sure when she graduates from high school I'll be a sobbing mess!  But for now, here's a look at how much she's grown!
***WARNING: Picture Overload***

1st Halloween

1st "real" food

1st Time to go see Fireworks

1st Time on a Train

1st Christmas Musical

1st Beach Trip (this is her pirate face!}

1st Soccer Game

1st Time to Ride with no Training Wheels

1st Day of Kindergarten

1st Day of 1st Grade

1st Lost Tooth


Martha Jones said...

I completely agree! I always cry on the first day. They are happy and sad tears. Happy that she loves school and making friends. Sad because she is growing up so fast and I can't slow things down. Thank you for sharing this post. It feels good to hear that someone else feels the same! :-)

Shorty said...

I'm torn about tomorrow. My son will be starting 7th grade. There's no way he'd let me walk him in and see him off. I'll just have to hear his synopsis later after he gets home. It's a little gut-wrenching, but I'm happy to not over-embarrass him right now. He's very picky about how I behave in public towards him. Sometimes my goobery self just flows, tho, and I can't help it! I don't feel like I'll cry, but who knows... those tears flow at the most inopportune times these days!