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08 September 2009


We hadn't been able to take Caroline anywhere this summer for a nice long vacation, so we decided to take the holiday and head to the beach. Tab's dad & step-mom invited us to go with them, so we gladly accepted! This was the first time I had ever camped on the beach. Tab's family has been doing this for years, so they decided to break me in! I really thought I was going to be miserable. Wrong! It was great! True, the sand eventually really made me crazy, but overall it was bearable. It wouldn't have made any difference anyway, because just seeing the smile on Caroline's face made me want to camp on the beach forever!


From this point on, you will go into picture overload! Turn back now if you have to!


Elyse said...

SO MUCH it bad that I am jealous?! Hope you guys are getting back into the groove of things :) The first picture is my favorite!

Laurie said...

Hey girl, my kids would be so jealous if they saw your pics from the beach! Love it!:)