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16 July 2011

Queen of Quirk

I've been seeing lots of bloggers posting about pet peeves, their quirks, or things they love/hate. I'll admit it's pretty funny to read those, especially when you've become "friends" with your fellow bloggers.  Now, I may not have anyone read my blog after I admit my quirks, but it's all about being honest right?  Right?

I know I've talked about my number one quirk before, and hopefully you won't pee yourself laughing or send someone to come lock me away.  Ready?

1.  I have a blankie.  There, I said it.  Yes, I have a blankie and her name is "Pink Thing".  Now what makes it even more embarrassing is that I carry around a small piece of it and I rub it between my fingers.  Are you calling the people who come get the crazy folks yet?  I know how strange it sounds.  Let me give you a bit of back story on this.  I was a thumb sucker.  I had a "nanny" type person {her name is Kate} who kept me when I was little and she had these satin drapes.  I would go hide behind them and rub them while I sucked my thumb.  So for my birthday she bought me my very own satin drape.  Over the years I've had several blankies, and I've had Pink Thing since the 3rd grade.  A few years ago in an attempt to preserve her, I made a blanket out of her.  She's was really just a piece of fabric, but now she's a little more held together!

M'kay...moving on...

2.  I will only buy Del Monte canned veggies.  I have no clue why, but I just can't bring myself to buy any others.  Well, except for Le Sueur peas.

3.  When I get a pedicure, I come home and repaint my toes.  Yes, I know, why not just tell them not to paint them?  Because I always have this hope they will meet my expectations, but they never do.

4.  I have to drink anything cold through a straw.  I carry them in my car.  The only time I don't drink through a straw is when I have a glass of wine.

5.  I can't stand for my hands to be dirty, to feel dirty, to feel sticky, slimy, greasy...anything.  I wash them a thousand times a day.  Seriously.  I do.

6.  I have to sit with my legs crossed in some form or fashion.  Whether its one leg over the other crossed at the knees or indian style, they are always crossed.  I just can't leave them side by side, knees touching.  It just feels wrong.  I even do it when I'm the passenger in a car.

7.  I re-write lists.  If I write a "to-do" list and leave something out, instead of just putting it at the bottom, or making a note of when it needs to be done, I'll re-write the whole list to accommodate what I left off.  When I make a grocery list I write it in categories, if I forgot something, yep.  I re-write the whole dang thing.

I imagine you've had your fill of my crazy quirks for now, so I'll quit sharing at this point.  But, I'd love to hear if any of you are quirky too!   Share with me....please!


Unknown said...

I obsessively check facebook from my iPod!!

Kat said...

I definitely love a well-organized to-do list and have re-written them on more than one occasion to accomplish the desired end-result :)

Dina said...

I sleep with a blanket too! It's a red fleece blanket and I call it the red fuzzy! I even take it when we go out of town. When I buy vegetables from a can they are always del monte also. For some reason the other kind grosses me out.