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14 July 2011

Brain Dump!  I have ADD.  Usually it's fine, but right now I have about a million things running around in the ole' noggin.  Things I want to get done. Projects I have to finish for clients. Projects I want to do around the house.  Work.  Caroline.  Hubby.  Family.  Must slow down.

Things are great, for the most part.  Boog's been spending time with her dad, which makes me long for her to be home, but things are overall great.  I just can't get my mind to slow down.

Y'all, I need some Calgon.  ASAP. {I wasn't even sure they still made it...they do!}

But a glass of wine and a hot bath without the Calgon would work nicely too! I was hoping that writing up a post would help me focus some of my thoughts, ya....didn't work so much.  Oh well, I gave it a try!

I have several pieces of furniture I'm really itching to start re-doing.  I have to go pick some of it up from my daddy-o's house first though...yet another thing to do.  There really isn't any point to this post today...sorry folks.  Hopefully I can get some of this brain junk cleared out and I'll have a more coherent post for you.
  But if you want a coherent post, scroll down to see how we spent our 4th of July!  Happy Day friends!

{Ummmm, yea.  This pic has no relevance, it just makes me smile!}

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