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08 July 2010

Independence Day

*****I'm highly ticked off at Blogger right now!  I had most of this post done, then *poof*....nothing was there, it was gone!!!!  So I'm gonna try and get it together again.*****

I hope everyone had a great Independence Day!!  I love this holiday, it just screams American!  HaHa!  I think we forget where we came from sometimes, and the 4th of July just brings that all back.  The hot & lazy summer days, flags flying, kids playing in the sprinklers, cookouts with family and friends...I could go on and on!  I have a deep love for little old towns, all that they are and all they represent.  I love Americana; the culture, the meaning, the passion.  I must move on or I'll keep going on and on about it!

We didn't really have any plans this year, we were supposed to go be with some friends, but those plans changed!  We took advantage of that and just invited my parents over for a good ole' fashioned 4th of July cookout and fireworks in the yard!  Burgers and hotdogs, deviled eggs, baked beans, homemade vanilla ice cream and homemade peach cobbler!  Yummy!!!  And I won't even talk about all the fireworks we had!  CRAZY!!!!!

This cracks me up!!! Notice all the cell phones!!!!

See, I was there too!

Yummy, Yummy!

Caroline & Daisy Mae

This is my sweet Bloodhound, Daisy Mae...isn't she just precious?

Steven {Caroline's daddy} wanted to come and spend the day with her too so he and a friend joined us, and then once his girlfriend got off work she joined us too.  After we pigged out, we sat on the front porch for a while and just enjoyed the evening.  Then we got to business with the fireworks!  Unfortunately, my parents didn't get to stay for the fireworks, and boy did they miss it!

I have to admit, we were not as careful, uh hmmm, as we should be when shooting fireworks, so kids don't ever do anything that you read here!!!!

It really started out very innocently, I promise!  But right out of the gate we had an injury, but only a minor one!  Tab set up an artillery shell and a rocket, he lit them and we all sat back to enjoy...until we heard Steven scream like a little girl!!!  Here's the conversation that took place:

Andrea: {laughing hysterically "that's what he gets, that's funny!"
Tab: "o man, are you bleeding?"
Steven: "yea a little"
Andrea: "well that parts not too funny"...{but she's still laughing}!
And yes, I was laughing the whole time.  It really was just too funny!!

   Oddly enough, I caught Tab lighting the Artillery Shell and the Rocket before it hit Steven!!!!!

The Aftermath

After we all stopped laughing, we kept shooting fire works, and then Steven decided he would get revenge.  He lit a Saturn Missile, turned it sideways where it was pointing at our chairs.  Needless to say we found ourselves being shot at with little flaming fireballs {that was a little redundant I know!}

We waited a little while, then Andrea and I got our revenge on the boys!!!  Tab had been lighting Black Cats and throwing them at Andrea, and Steven had his fun with the Saturn Missile, so we had a plan.  My favorite fireworks of all times are Roman Candles, so I always get a ton of them.  We lit them and started to make them dodge out of the way!  During the whole thing, Andrea had a little chant she said, "Dance Tab, Dance"!!!!!  I cannot tell you how funny this was!  But we were very careful to not actually hit the guys!  Seeing them jump around like that was seriously one of the best laughs I've had all year!  After that we settled down and just enjoyed the fireworks we had!

Hopefully everyone had as good a time as we did!


Nicole said...

Love down home fireworks shows, huh??? Miss you girl!

Martha Jones said...

Wow! You guys had an awesome fourth! I was cracking up reading the stories of the fireworks. Ya'll know how to have a good time! LOL!

Camily said...

Sooo funny!

Note to self: in the unlikely event that Alicia invites me over for 4th of July fireworks, don't go!

My most dangerous 4th of July memory was as a kid growing up in West Texas. We went out to my uncle's farm to shoot fireworks and ended up catching his neighbor's wheat field on fire. Oops. I remember a big wall of fire moving across the field. Yikes!

Laurie said...

Your bloodhound is adorable! Looks like ya'll had a great fourth!;)