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15 July 2010

Giveaway Friday

I can't tell y'all how many friends I have that are blessed to be expecting a new little one right now!  I also can't tell y'all how many of my friends have darling little girls {and precious little boys}!  One of my favorite things about kids is their little personalities!  Can you think of a good way to show those off?  I can, and I do it far too much!  Decor, as in decorating their rooms!

I've had the opportunity to help decorate rooms for both little girls and little boys, and being the girly girl I am, I love to get a room all fixed up for little girls, mine in particular!  So when I was approached to do a giveaway form a store that has anything you could ever want, like a precious vanity for your little girl, I was thrilled!  

What's the loot you ask?  A $40.00 gift certificate!  This can be used on anything that CSN Stores carries, or you could use it toward the purchase of a cute vanity!  

I'm a little hung up on them lately, {vanities that is} because if your little girls are anything like mine, they can spend hours sitting there playing dress up!  Always wanting to be like mommy and put make-up on!

Okay, so here's what you have to do:

1.   Leave me a comment on your favorite part of your child's room, or something you've seen you would love to put in your child's room.
2.  Become a follower and let me know, or if you already are tell me that too!
3.  Stop by and pick out your favorite vanity and tell me which one you like!
4.  Blog about my giveaway, link back to me, and then let me know you've blogged about it!

So you have 4 chances for an entry!  Remember that you will be winning a $40.00 gift certificate from a great company!

I'll pick a winner next week and let you know who the lucky person is!

***This is a sponsored giveaway***


Courtney and the Boys said...

Hi Alicia! My favorite part of my boys' room is that football field that I painted on one entire wall, complete with our last name in the end zone and all of the yard lines numbered. It's a fun accent wall for their sports room. :)

Courtney and the Boys said...

...and of course, I already follow you! :) What a fun giveaway!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Oh...and I love the Lea Spring Garden Leg Bedroom Vanity with Mirror Set. What fun for a little girl! :)