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26 May 2010

Snakes on a Wall...

...or in my house!!!

You may remember this post about 2 years ago or this one from last year, and has happened again!  I'm truly threatening to move this time!  Seriously.


About a month ago, I was in the kitchen picking up after dinner and our kitty {Bobby} was in there with me.  He likes to play with the plastic grocery bags that I keep in a cute little wire trash basket.  I heard him batting one around and went to take it away from him, but first I thought I had better turn on the other light first.  I saw something on the ground next to where he was, and couldn't tell if it was one of the streamers off of Boog's pom poms.  It's a good thing I turned on that light!  You would have thought that by now I'd learned my lesson!

He was about 12 inches long  {baby Rat Snake}
  I think he was just a tad mad at us!

  Obviously sweet Bobby was trying to get the ugly little thing for me  {you can see the bite marks!} but I guess I interrupted him!

 Then almost 2 weeks later, on Easter Sunday, Boog & I were walking up the porch when I spotted this little guy...6 inches from my front door!

He was about 22 inches long {Juvenile Rat Snake}

 Then 2 weeks ago, I was going to get the water hose on the side of the house, and out of habit {thank goodness} I looked up across the side of the house.  I think I might have had a tiny accident when I saw the snake sticking out from the rocks.  Luckily, Tab's dad had stopped by and a few minutes later Boog's dad showed up to pick her up for the day.  So then there was an all out snake chase!  I ran inside to get a gun, oh yes I sure did, but then decided to just get the BB Pistol instead.  I never got to shoot anything because my hands were too shaky to even load the darn thing.  Needless to say, he got away.  And no, we are not going to discuss where he may have gone...unless you want Boog & I to come live with you!

Later that night Boog & her dad came back by the house to pick up a gift they had forgotten and he decided to go see if the darn thing came back!  Crazy stuff I tell you!  Well, much to my dismay, he was back!  And this time I had my camera ready!
 Full fledged adult Rat Snake {I don't want to know how big this one is}

Some of the skins that were pulled out of the rocks {each of these were about 14 inches long}

 That next week, my wonderful, sweet, fabulous Father in Law came to my rescue and fixed the side of the house.  He also made sure that there weren't any other spots the little creepy crawlers could get in.  Now I"m not crossing my fingers just yet, but I'm sure hoping they just go away!


Shorty said...

Yeesh! I'm with you... I do not like snakes. We have a friend who has several 'pet' snakes he keeps in his home office and I haven't accepted an invitation yet to go and meet them all. No thanks!

Martha Jones said...

Oh My! I think I would have passed out. I am definitely not a snake person. Gives me chills. I'm glad that you guys fixed the holes they were getting in. Whew!

Nicole said...

Yep. I was walking up the driveway to get the mail last week and something caught my eye in the tree just to my left. It was a snake coming out of the tree headed toward our rock creek. I yelled for Dawson and he killed it. You can go to one of my blogs to see it. It was a Black rat snake, about 5 feet long. I was FREAKED! We don't have mice, BECAUSE OF ALL THE SNAKES! But, I'd take those cute little critters anyday! I'm just surprised I didn't pass out.

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! I don’t kow how you do it. After the 2nd one I would have been long gone. I’m silly scared of snakes. I have crazy nightmares about them biting me and will actually not do things outside when snake season starts to roll around in fear of seeing a snake. I know….crazy right! We are about to head out to Cali for a bit and have plans to go hiking. My cousin told me she’s seen snakes on the trail before. I’m already freaking out about it. We had a snake in our house once before too. It was caught and put outside but I was sure it laid eggs somewhere in the house. I begged Kent to let me stay at a hotel until we had someone came out and make sure. This is the 4th story I’ve seen about Texans finding snakes in their house……it’s got me freaking out!

The Drama Mama said...

Are you flippin kidding me?! I am just now seeing this post and I can't even put my feet down from the chair (and I keep looking behind me)! Seriously, CANNOT handle snakes or even seeing pictures of snakes...UGH, I am so sorry! You and Boog can come live with me!!

Rebecca said...

1) cute blog layout!

2) i'm gonna buy some of your bookmarks! i love them!!

3) i hate snakes too!!!! :( poor alicia.