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14 May 2010

Give a Girl a Minute

We all have those moments when our kids momentarily stun us with the things they say, but it still makes me speechless every dang time!  A few weeks ago, Boog was in the tub {taking her sweet time} and I told her she needed to get a move on.  I leave and go do something else, I was piddling for probably 10 minutes or so.  I thought, Okay, where is she?  I go back and check on her, and she's just singing her little heart out while she's washing her hair.

I simply remind her to hurry up.  She says okay and I keep on doing stuff around the house.  It was getting closer and closer to the time we needed to leave, so I started to change my clothes and get ready.  I'm  just about done...dressed, teeth brushed, dogs taken care for Boog.

I walk into the bathroom to see what is taking her sooooo long to get out of the tub.  She's standing in the tub dancing while she has her "poof" in her hand washing her arms.  I'm cracking up, but we have got to get a move on, so I tell her {in my Mommy Means Business voice} that she needs to get her cute little dancing hiney out of the tub and get dressed.

She turns to me, puts a hand on her hip and says, " Ughhh mom!  Give a girl a minute!!!".

I thought I was going to pee in my pants I was laughing so hard at her.  Seriously.  It was so unexpected, and I never imagined something like that coming out of her mouth, at least not for another 6 or so years!

She refused to brush her hair after she got out, so this is what it looked like after it dried!

So, come on...tell me something your kids have said that threw you into the giggles.


Anonymous said...

she looks so big in the gym pics


Leslie said...

Tucker's not quite two, so her sayings aren't quite as big girl as yours, but it's still always so funny when she pops out a new phrase we've never heard or reacts funny to a situation.

Friday night at a banquet for my husband's choir, she was standing in a chair so she could see Daddy and I was holding her (or so I thought) tightly. But she stepped off the edge of the chair and I caught her dress tightly enough to catch her when she was about 2 inches from the hard, tile floor. (How I managed to keep from screaming and disrupting the banquet, I have no idea.) I was in a panic, heart racing. I pulled her slowly back up, turned her to face me, and she said as nonchalantly as possible, "Tutter all fall down. I otay." haha! Such a goober!

Lindsey said...

Hilarious!!! That made me laugh! Bryce says some funny things...latest is "you're killing me"...he hears his Daddy say that sometimes :) He also says "Nevermind" and walks away like a teenager-really, 3 years old...I'm in trouble!