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25 March 2010

Thought Filled Thursdays

Have I ever told y'all about my kitchen addiction?  Your lucky...up until now!  I love kitchens.  I love everything about them.  I love looking at them, playing in them, all the tools and gadgets in them, the furnishings...ALL of it!  If there was any one thing I could change about my house, it would be my kitchen, and yes, Tab knows this!  Don't get me wrong, I love my kitchen for many reasons, mostly its size.  It's by far the largest area of our house, which is exactly how I would want it to be.  It just needs an overhaul.  So I dream about the changes I want to make.  All of the appliances have been replaced, except for the stove/oven, which we won't replace until ours goes to appliance heaven.  It's been in the house since 1984.  This baby is still going strong!  So when it goes, I'll pick out a new one, but I haven't even looked at those yet.  Mostly I have just been looking at gadgets, tables, know, the fun stuff.  Here are a few of the things I "want".


 Citrus Slicer                           


                       Flexible Cutting Boards

Glass Mixing Bowls                      

                           Island Table

Italian Tomato Press                  

                Glass Food Storage Containers

These things make me happy!  Now I have the glass containers, but these are a tad different than mine, and would make great additions to the tones I do have.  And the glass mixing bowls, they're an addiction, seriously.  I already have several sets.  But I would still buy more.  I also love to use them for ingredients that I set on the table.  Like cheese, butter for bread, salsa, you get the idea.  I think I may have a problem when it comes to cutting boards too.  I already have a set that looks identical to these, only mine aren't flexible.  And I have a large bamboo cutting board, and a large glass cutting board!  The citrus slicer is for pure laziness.  I hate cutting any citrus, and this is a really cute little gadget.  Now the tomato press....ahhhhhhhhh {this is the ahhh like when you get into a nice relaxing bubble bath!}.  I don't buy jarred spaghetti sauce.  I make it.  And to have this would be so stinking cool!  I just use my food processor right now, and it works, but this would be so much better!  Did I mention that my birthday is in May? Hehehe!!!  What kitchen things do you love?


April Kennedy said...

I have those glass mixing bowls too and I love them. I use them for ingredients also.

I love the whole Martha Stewart line at Macys and currently I am swooning over a sunshine yellow vintage-inspired metal bread box at Target. I am trying to rearrange my items on my countertop to make room for one!

T said...

I am a HUGE kitchen freak too! I love big kitchens and all the gadgets and big counter tops! And I really need that lemon cutter!

April Kennedy said...

I just blogged on my Butteflies blog the picture of the yellow breadbox!

Jessica said...

I just saw those same cutting boards, and thought I definitely needed them! I drove our realtor crazy when we were looking for a house because if the kitchen wasn't perfect (or I could not envision how to make it perfect) the house was a definite no. :)

Camily said...

Well, I went in to Crate and Barrel this weekend to purchase a wedding gift and about died wanting everything in there!

Tim said...

I love kitchen stuff too. Believe it or not I am the cook in the house.

One of my faves is my steamer and the mini grater I have for things like garlic and nutmeg.

I also just got a new set of pots and pans and really have been enjoying those.

Love and Prayers,
