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19 March 2010

Prayer Needed!!!

Well, I don't have a lot of answers.  They did an EKG and an ECHO yesterday.  The Cardiologist came in last night and said that based on the EKG, she definitely has an irregular heartbeat, and now we have to figure out why.  After the bloodwork came back, he said that her potassium was low.  So they've been giving her potassium.  This morning he told us that she has a "weak" heart.  But, I'm not sure what that means?  Monday they are going to do a heart cath.  They want to see if she has a clog, or blockage.  If so, then they will just fix it then.  If not, and they find something more, then they will talk about surgery later.  They also think its possible that she may have an electrical problem.  So for now, its just a waiting game.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


I don't have any details yet, but my step-mom has been admitted to the hospital.  Please be with us!


April Kennedy said...

Thinking of and praying for your family. I hope all ends up OK.

Martha Jones said...

I just got back into town and saw your post. I will be praying for you and your sweet family!

Camily said...

Oh, so sorry. I'll pray now. Also, I was stopping by to tell you that I left you an award on my blog.