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18 March 2010

Thought Filled Thursdays

I've been browsing Anthropologie again.  I know, I should just stop.  But I can't.  I want to take a vacation to their store.  And spend a week there.  Dreaming....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Back to reality!  Here are my latest "really, really wants"...LOL!!!

-Do you talk to yourself?  I do it ALL the time.  Just wanted to see if any of you do too?  Hey, I never claimed these Thought Filled Thursdays would make any sense!  They're simply that...the odd thoughts that swirl around in my silly little head!

-Here's another good one.  Car seats.  I am a car seat Nazi.  I always check out what people have their kids in, if anything.  I like to know that people understand the importance of child safety.  Not just that you have a car seat, its also that you use it, have it belted in properly, which means good and snug!  I was so bad while Caroline was in her infant carrier, and her toddler seat, that I used to get in them myself to make sure they were strapped down as much as I possibly could get them!  But I'm just not happy with what they have for her now.  Any suggestions?


We went and took Caroline bowling this weekend!  She had such a good time!

I finally got around to getting me a new camera strap!  Isn't it cute?

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!


Laurie said...

Love the new camera that fabric! Great pics from Anthropologie!!! Makes me want to go spring shopping!!

Jessica said...

I think talking to my baby is pretty much like talking to myself all day. :) And, I never feel like Addison's carseat is tight enough...I need some professional in my garage to check it for me everytime we leave the house. :)

all things girly said...

love all of your "wants" they are my wants too! love it all!

Trina said...

You've got good taste in clothes girl. Love that ruffled tank! I love it all actually lol