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21 October 2009

The Big Move

This is gonna be a crazy post for many of you I'm sure, but just bear with me!  We have been trying to convince Caroline's dad, Steven, to move down here close to us for a year now.  I know, I know....why would I ever want my ex to be closer?  Well, there are lots of pluses, and some negatives to this, but overall, it will be bett for Caroline.  So after months of looking for jobs, house hunting,etc....he is finally here.

He move down here Saturday night afte the TX/OU game of course.  We had cooked up this great plan to keep boog from knowing he was here and to suprise her that night.  You should have seen her little face!


Camily said...

I so admire this! I think the whole situation would be hard, but how amazing that you are all willing to sacrifice and completely put your daughter first. Amazing!

T said...

I totally understand your thoughts with this one. Hubby and I are in the same situation except he has been in my oldest life since she just turned two so she really only remembers him but we try to convince biological to move down here closer so that she has the oppurtunity to know him like she should. I don't ever want her to grow up and be hurt because her dad didn't love her.

I hope the situation goes well for all of you guys! I think it's awesome!

Shorty said...

That's great that Caroline will have her pop closer! And just in time for the holidays!!! I hope everything goes really well for you guys.