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05 October 2009


Yep, that's me. Bad. I can't believe it's been a week since I've posted! I promise to post some good stuff this week, I have lots to say, just haven't blogged it yet! Besides, I'm too tired and my tooth hurts too bad to post anything worth reading tonite!

Quick updates:

The school called me and said Caroline had some petechiea on her back...after she got hit in the back...nope, no petechiea she's fine!

I have a tooth that has been bugging me for a while now, but I just couldn't be bothered with going to the dentist...I'm paying for it now, serious pain tonight, and really red swollen gums. Pretty sure I have an abcess....why me? God did not bless me with good teeth! Here we go again...

Hubby has an interview on Thursday! I so hope he gets to move to this department, his boss now is such a jerk, and he's been there way too long to leave {15 years!}, so prayer for a good interview!

Okay, I'm off to's way past my 10pm bedtime! Good nite!


Shorty said...

Hope you feel better quickly, my friend! And best of luck to your fella with his interview! Can't wait to hear your updates!

Laurie said...

Good luck to your hubby on the job interview!! PTL no petechiea for Caroline! And...hope your tooth is better girl!!

Martha Jones said...

Praying that your tooth feels better. I have pretty weak teeth and so I know how that feels. OUCH!