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13 November 2011

10 Years...Without You

Today is my dark day.  The day I allow myself to grieve for another year without you here.  The day I cry for all the memories we would have made, the things we would have done.  I know it was God's plan for you to go so soon, and I accept that.  But my heart still aches.

I make it through most days without crying, I have for years.  But there are so many times I do cry for you.  Of course there will always be certain times of the year that make me super sad, but it's always the little things that get me most.  When I can't quite remember the way you cooked something or when I go check on Caroline in the middle of the night.  Yes, you passed that down to me!  I can't remember a night when you didn't come check on me, even at the end.  And now I go check on my sweet little girl just like you.  I think of you when I'm sewing something for Caroline or when I'm using the hot glue gun {random, I know!} or when I see Miniature Schnauzers.

I just can't believe, even after 10 years that you're gone.  There are just so many things I wish I had gotten to experience with you.  So many things I wish you had been here for.  So often I wonder how different my life would be if you hadn't gone so soon.  I miss my mommy.  I miss my friend.

I can't even begin to explain the ways it affects me, losing you.  A loss of any kind changes you, but losing you at such a young age, that's such a hard thing.  Sometimes I think if I had been younger, but then I realize it would have probably been even harder.  Moms are the most important woman in a child's life, a role model in so many ways.  I'm so grateful for the years that I did have with you, but I'm sure I'll always wish I had even more.


Camily said...

Tears! And hugs for you.

Frugal Jen said...

Hugs! She was a wonderful women who beemed with pride for her daughter. You could see how much she loved you and how proud she was of you. You were that beautiful little bouncing blonde always happy. You know now as a mother how you made her feel.... complete.

Courtney and the Boys said...

Thinking of you...I still cry for my mommy, too. And daddy. I lost my dad almost 13 years ago and my mom 6 1/2 years ago. So many reasons that I grieve, but mostly I grieve for what my children miss out on in my parents.

I'm sorry for your loss...