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08 April 2011

A Little Fun

I haven't posted about my recent hair adventures, and they have been many, but tonight I was just having some fun and thought I'd share.  I'm a natural blonde.  I get a few high/low lights twice a year and that's pretty much it.  About 4 years ago, I dyed my hair dark for the 1st time ever.  I did it again about a year & a half ago {remember Brenda?}.  About 6 weeks ago I was feeling a little need to get some of my low lights out of my hair.  Ready to be blonde blonde again!  I took it upon myself to do this myself...because I have a super cheap hubby who gets whiney when I go get my hair done to save a little money.  HA!  The joke was on me.  It was green.  And blue.  And completely awful.  And 10pm on a Friday night, which is good right?  Wrong.  Sadly I had 2 funerals to go to the next day, and I certainly couldn't go like that.  So I get in the car and drive to town {remember, I live outside of town, in the country} at 10pm to find a quick fix.  I ended up getting something super dark.  It was all I could think of to do.  I still haven't gotten used to it, and it makes me grumpy.  I'm just not a brunette.

So, last weekend I went and got it cut at a walk-in place.  Huge mistake #2.  Why am I doing this to myself?  I'm claiming temporary insanity.  I ended up with the worst cut.  I cried all the way home.  I feel like I have a girl mullet.  Serious shaping around my face, and its shorter around my face than I like.  Ugghhhhhh.  I told hubby that this is what happens when you don't go to your usual salon to get it done by the wonderful stylist who normally does your hair.  He actually agreed.  Needless to say, I'm off to the salon bright and early Saturday morning to get it fixed!!!  Yay me!!!  

You can see how dark it is here...

I was playing around tonight with one of those virtual hair design things...

Whaddya think?  Cheesy right?  Although I kinda like the last 2, I just don't know what it would really look like on me!  I do know I'm definitely going back to blonde though!  Even though I know the quality of these looks isn't very good, what's your opinion on the short, short hair?  Does it even look right on me?  I've gained some weight so my face is pretty chubby right now and I'm not sure I could pull off anything that short?!?!?  Help!

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