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31 March 2011

Super Cool Party People

Sorry, the title really has nothing to do with my post, but I was watching a Gilmore Girls episode titled that.  Random, I know.  I've been back to the doctor twice this week.  On Tuesday they called me to ask that I come back on Thursday to get another round of x-rays and bloodwork.  UGHHHH!!!  So today I went and did the same routine as Tuesday.  I got a call about an hour after I got home telling me that my pneumonia has improved quite a bit!!!  Thank goodness...I wasn't looking forward to another round of steroids & antibiotics.

I have some stuff in the works with a dear friend for a "swag bag" at a store opening in Austin, so exciting, and I hope it goes well!  I'll have about 100 items to make for this, but it will be awesome advertising.  I'm also doing a spring photo shoot.  And of course my back drop will be the beautiful Texas Bluebonnets.

Caroline's been busy with friends and cheerleading when she's not at school or doing homework.   Which she hates!  She had cheer tryouts this last week and we are waiting to hear the results.  She's hoping to move up a level since she can do her back handspring now. 

I've been working on getting caught up on all my posts, that I've slacked on big time.  Geeesh, I miss blogging daily.  But I'm getting back into the swing of things.  Hope your all having a great week!


Nicole said...

Oh I wish we lived closer so I could take advantage of your blue bonnet photo shoot! My blue eyed beauties would be so cute!

Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Try to get some rest!

Earth Mama Sarah said...

You are the awesome-est! Hope I can get in on some bluebonnet pics with the girls soon... let me know when you are in the clear for me to bring the kids up! So glad you are excited about the bags, too! I'll need them before Mother's Day....