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25 March 2011

I know, I KNOW

I know I keep saying that I'm going to get back into my daily blogging...and then never do it.  But things have been, well, life.  I've been sick since my last post!  After I got over the flu, I was fine for a week.  Then I came down with strep, sinus infection & bronchitis.  Yikes!  Then that turned into pneumonia, which I still have.  So bare with me until I get to feeling better...please?

I miss blogging my thoughts, funny tidbits, pictures, our life in general.  And I miss my bloggy friends!  And I miss getting comments.  So if anyone is still reading, don't give up on me yet!

A quick bit of Mayhem for you...we have 10 dogs right now.  Yes, I said 10 dogs.  One of our girls had puppies.  Which are adorable.  But they have to go...soon.  So, when they are all in new happy homes, we will be back to our normal brood of 5.  I know, its sounds crazy, but we have some land, so its not like we have 5 dogs in our house.  We only have 2 that come inside because the others would much rather run the open fields.  Unless its cold or rainy or really hot...oh who I am kidding, of course they'd love to be inside.  They're just big dogs, so we keep them outside the majority of the time.  I took pics of the pups so I could advertise {get rid of them}.  They really are adorable...

This is Snowdrop - don't ask.  Caroline named her!


Big Hoss

Bashful & Big Hoss

Big Girl

Big Girl & Bubba


Big Hoss

Bashful & Big Hoss

And this little guy...He's mine.  Not going anywhere.
Meet Bexar {bear}, the newest addition to the Mayhem


Nicole said...

Ohhhhhh how I would love to have Big Hoss! But then WE would have 5 dogs, all in the house, and we DON'T have land. So .... I'll have to pass. (But give him a kiss for me.)

Hope you get to feeling better SOON!!!

Miss you!


Frugal Jen said...

Hope you back to 100% real soon!

Those dogs are soooo cute!! When we move to the new property we're getting dogs. What kinds are those?

Elyse said...

What puppy love indeed!! Every single puppy melts my heart & is precious.

I hope you feel better soon. Sickness is not fun.