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03 December 2009

Thought Filled Thursdays are Back!

 Thought Filled Thursdays has been gone way too long!  I loved doing it because I could just list all the totally random things that enter my head on a daily basis.  So, it's time for me to bring it back, and unleash all these pent up thought and ideas!

I figure we'll start today with some of my wants!  Fun stuff right?  Now, wouldn't I look totally super cute in this little red jacket?  Thanks!  I thought so too! {Just kidding people!!!}

Old Navy

Old Navy



 Banana Republic
Banana Republic

Banana Republic


Banana Republic I love dreaming!  I haven't even hit up some of my favorite sites yet!  I'll have more goodies for you later!

On to my pain in the a..hmhmm sweet little stinker pot, AKA Caroline!  Can you please tell me what normal child goes to Whataburger and gets this for dinner?

And here are a few pictures from her birthday, which, she had so much fun playing and bouncing around with her friends!

I made Cake Pops for the party.  I thought it would be much easier for the kids and less of a mess...but apparently not!  They were everywhere!

Since there was no where to put the candles, I made Caroline a centerpiece that we put the candles in.  She loves this thing, and the best part is it doubles as a super cute decoration for her room...we just took out the candles and put it on top of her dresser!


Sweet Friends

This was for her actual birthday at home.  We had family over to celebrate!

Eventually I'll catch up on everything I have to post!  But, I'll leave you with a picture of a name plaque that I just got done with!  And when I'm done with the other pieces in this order, I'll have a super funny story to post about them!


Trina said...

I LOVE that silver ruffle dress! Gorgeous!

Caroline's party looked like a hit. Love that decoration!

Laurie said...

Great post! I loved the idea of cake pops for Caroline's birthday! Girl, you did a great job!! Love me some Old Navy too!!

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

Ok now I don’t feel so bad. I actually made a Christmas list this year and feeling a little guilty that I actually want’s ok to want, right? Well you pick some great items to add to your “want” list. I LOVE that hat and those shoes are super cute! Your right I’m sure that red jacket would look super cute with your new hair cut.

Love the idea Thought Filled Thursday. Let me know if you ever decide to turn it into a linky party. I would love to join in.
What’s up with the salad? I can only hope my future children have good eating habits because it’s still something I struggle with everyday. Did you make it an option or did she just pick it.....either way that’s’ really good!

Looks like she had a fun b-day! It’s refreshing to read a post that is something different than Christmas related topics. I’m a little frazzled from all the Christmas craziness and need to slow down and enjoy the holiday. My tree is all finished and the lights just went out....AHHHH, total stress moment but I’m trying my best to remain calm.

Martha Jones said...

I LOVE the red jacket. I may have to have one of those myself! The centerpiece is adorable!! You are so creative. I'm glad Caroline had a great party!:)

Shorty said...

What great party ideas! Your centerpiece looked perfect and cake pops??? I love that idea! If you have a recipe or instructions on how to make those I would love to snag it from you! And your artwork... well, let me just say how talented you are! I love it!