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24 December 2009

Playing Around

Since all the schools are out on Christmas break right now, I took Caroline to work with me this week.  It works out perfectly for us because Baylor is out too, so I don't have to worry about her being crazy, loud, or disrupting classes or the professors.  On Wednesday, we decided to eat outside.  The weather was nice, and we had us a little picnic lunch!

There are tons of trees on the campus, so you can imagine the leaves that collect all around.  Well, let's just say that Boog had the time of her life this week playing in those leaves!
 I decided that we should do this everyday!  LOL!  Wouldn't that be the best?  It would...just seeing her face literally light up while she played in those leaves...ahhhh, it makes my heart smile!  She was pretty dang good up there this week too!  I never know how she's gonna be spending so much time with me at work, but she was really good this week!  My desk has a space under it {a large side desk sort of} that she likes to make a fort out of, and she stays in that thing all day!  One of my wonderful co-workers brought her a laptop that she could watch movies on {Thanks Pat!} and she had some toys so she was good to go.  But the best part by far was watching her play in the leaves! 

Isn't she just precious? I know...I'm a little biased!


Shorty said...

Beautiful pictures! She looks like she's having an absolute blast!

Nicole said...

Fun pictures! So cute! What a great day!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Those pictures are precious!!!!!! They truly show how much fun she was having! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Trina said...

So fun! I always LOVED going to work with my mom when I was young. I felt so important lol

Earth Mama Sarah said...

Seriously precious, Alicia! Oh, she looks so beautiful, great photography!