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14 October 2014

10 Things My Mother Taught Me

1. You Catch More Fly's with Honey than with Vinegar

Seriously.  Truth.  Not that many of us want to catch fly's, unless it's summer in Texas, and they're flying around your outdoor BBQ.  Really though, if we put a sour attitude out no one will want to be around us.  Try smiling at a stranger in the grocery store, you'll be surprised how much just a little gesture like that can do for your mood and those you interact with.

2. Never leave the House without Mascara and Lip gloss

My mom always made me go back in the house and put in mascara if I didn't already have it on.  Now this may seem mean or like my mom put too much emphasis on physical beauty, but that's simply not true.  My mom always thought I was beautiful with no make-up.  Her lesson was more along the lines of freshen up your face so you look bright and happy.  And it's true.  Try it.  I'm not an everyday make-up girl.  But let me tell you, the difference in my face with just a swipe of mascara and a little gloss is amazing.  It certainly doesn't make me beautiful, it does make me feel like I'm put together.  

No, my kid does not actually leave the house like this.
This was a mommy daughter date, totally different.

3.  Family Matters

Always.  Family's are tricky, I know.  We all have some sort of crazy in our families, no family is perfect.  But your family is your building block whether you have a great family life or a horrible family life. Your family matters.  Treat them with love and understanding.  Be there.  One day, they'll all be gone.  Take care with what you say and how you treat them.  And they should do the same although, that's not always the case.  Remember words and actions hurt, and sometimes you can't come back from those hurtful things.  God blessed us with this group of crazies for better or worse, make the most of your family.  They matter.

4.  Always Take Care of Your Nails

Next time you're at the grocery store check out, look at your cashier's hands.  Impressed? Grossed out?  My momma always told me that based on someone's fingers and toes, you can tell alot about their hygiene. So far, that's true.  That doesn't mean that you have to have long perfectly polished nails.  What it means is, if you can see a line of funk under someone's nails, what else are they not cleaning? Eeek!  And this goes for toes too...this was taken in line at the grocery store.  Would you want to go to his house for a lunch date?

5.  Know How to Cook

My mom was a fantastic cook.  I can't remember anything not being yummy.  It was important to her that she have a hot meal for us everyday, and not always prepared by her.  We took turns.  We each had a night that we were responsible for dinner.  From a very young age she had my sister and I cooking dinner.  Mom was old school, everything from scratch, so that's how I learned.  No boxes or jars, which can be super time consuming.  What I realized, is that she gave me a little edge on creativity.  I can always through something together without stressing that I don't have what the box says.  Which, don't get me wrong, however you choose to cook is up to you.  Just cook.  Its better than wasting a ton of money eating out all the time.  Even if you don't cook a lot, at least know how to cook a meal every once in a while.

6.  Always write a Thank You Note

 Like Always.  Telling someone thank you is essential.  No, not in a life or death type of way, but in a that really meant a lot to me, thank you, kind of way.  It's important, it lets us know we did something that mattered in your eyes.  I'm not saying for every time your hubby, friends or mom send you flowers a note is required, you'll know when you should take the time to write one.  Like Nike says, Just Do It.

7. Volunteer

Whether its for the PTA, church, or a local charity give a little of your time when it's needed.  Everyone is busy.  Everyone has a million things on their to do list and never enough time.  Find time to give back.  Just like we're all busy, we all need some help every now and then.  Get your children involved, teach them that helping others no matter how small that help is, it's helping when someone is in need.

8.  A Woman Should Always have a Signature Scent

I've talked about this before.  It seems silly to some, a little dated, but trust me on this one.  Think about your grandmother, a teacher, a friends mom.  What reminds you of that person?  Every time I smell L'Air du Temps I think of my sweet momma.  When I smell Chanel No.5 I think of one of her dear friends Miss Sandra.  When I smell eucalyptus I think of my mom's other dear friend Janet.  All 3 smells bring me the best memories of 3 amazing women who I love dearly.  

9.  Wear Clothes that Fit Your Body

I can't stress this enough.  Seriously.  I went through the normal teen girl phase where I thought I was as bis as a whale and I dressed like it.  When I finally put on clothes that were the correct size...wowzers, huge difference in the way I looked and the way I felt about my body.  Having the right fit makes such an impact on self image.  

10.  Love Unconditionally

Even when it's hard.

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