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06 February 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That

Just when I think I'm going to get a break and get things all scheduled out, I get swamped again.  Which isn't a bad thing, because I like to be busy.  I do however, hate the things I have to put on the back burner!  So yet again my poor blog and bloggy friends have taken a back seat not to mention my poor house, which does make me sad :(

Can I just say that I LOVE working from home?  I love being able to get to eat lunch with Caroline whenever I want to, run errands whenever I want to, and work at my own pace on the things that I love!  Seeing her face when I pick her up from school everyday, spending time with her in the afternoons, making dinner with her so we can eat when the hubby gets home and not at 7pm makes everything worth it!

Now, me being a little over advantageous and piling a million things on my plate, that makes me a little crazy, haha!  But I do it because I love to and I want to cherish these things while I still can!  

Caroline's school has been planning our Annual Carnival which includes a huge silent auction, and that has me up to my eye balls in details.  So I've been recovering ticket cans, gathering donations, and working on the student part of the auction, which is always a huge hit, so 
I'm hoping I do a good job!

Normally the kids help make something from each class, or take a class picture or something similar that includes all the kids from each class.  In years past, they've painted huge potted plant containers, made picture frames they all signed, well, you get the picture.  This year I decided to do canvases that the kids can all sign or paint something on.  Here's a little sneak peek!

Needless to say, I've been quite busy with PTA stuff!  And I love being able to do it!  And you'll be so proud I've even got some posts scheduled!  Thank the Good Lord I'm getting back in the groove!  With all the change that's been going on, I lost myself for a bit there...but I'M BACK peeps!  Or at least I'm pretty sure I am :)

1 comment:

Elyse said...

I am back too. It has been way too LONG! Blogging is a part of me. So glad you love working from home! d