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10 February 2012

Business as Usual

I'm up to my eyeballs {still} getting ready for our school carnival.  So many little details to see to, and nowhere near enough time.  Wow...I always knew working from home or being a stay at home mom was not an easy task, but I didn't realize I'd be just as busy as I was when I worked outside of the home!  It's just a different kind of busy.  Today my munchkin is home sick.  Man, I love just being able to pick her up and not answer to anyone why I'm leaving work or won't be in the next day because she's sick.  It caused me so much stress!

Today we're just taking it easy.  I'm painting canvases and spending time with my girl.  I've also been editing pics, and re-editing some I had new ideas for.  I did some Valentines sessions which turned out super cute!  I thought I'd post just a few!

 Have a great weekend friends!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Those are wonderful!!!!!!