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24 January 2011

What a Week

Last week was craaaazy around my house!  Caroline was sick 2 days, so I had to stay home with her, and of course my back was hurting {what's new right?}.  She recovered fairly quickly but has had migraines over the weekend  :(

I didn't get much accomplished while we were at home, but I did work from home one day!  Mostly I just loved on my sweet girl, made her soup, gave her medicine, and cuddled on the couch with her.  Mom's TLC always helps!

I finished a book, The Finishing Touches, by Hester Browne.  It was a fun book and I related a lot to the main theme of it, being adopted.  It explored the feelings a person has, and finally the way she moved on with her life.  It was a quick read and a nice escape.  Not sure what I'll pull of my book pile next!

I also had some issues to work out with a friend.  We had a disagreement and needed to work through it, but we got it all settled.  It's nice to be able to work through a problem.  We were both looking at things from 2 different directions, and listened to other people's advice.  Sometimes that's not the best thing to do.  I think we both learned a few things last week!

I'm really realizing how much Caroline is growing up...time is going by way too fast.  She doesn't need my help taking baths, or brushing her teeth.  She can blow dry her own hair and brush it, she's starting to learn how to make food for herself.  She thinks she needs deodorant!  She sounds like an adult, her conversations rival some 40 year olds that I know!  She just amazes me, but I'm sad at the same time.  There's not much "little" girl left it seems.  I'm going to hold onto to it as long as possible though!

I'm working on some projects too, but I think I may post them to Carolina Sunshine Designs, but I may post a sneak peek here!  And I'll be hosting a giveaway later this week, so be sure to stop back by for some great goodies!

And just because I feel like posting a picture {or 3}, here you go!

Cheer Competition

 Pajama Day at school

All tuckered out...sitting up!


Crazy Me said...

Praying for you back, hope you feel better soon so you can feel better again!

Why do kids have to grow up so fast? Shouldn't be right, they need to slow down!

The Drama Mama said...

Gosh, they really do grow up way too stinking's unbelievable! Thinking of you, friend! LOVE!