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01 April 2010

Thought Filled Thursdays

-Can anyone please explain to me why at 31 I have acne?  I mean really!?!?  I just don't get it.  Right now I have the biggest zit known to man front and center {well a little to the right actually}on my chin!  I mean I know I used to kindof smirk to myself in high school when other girls complained about their pimples, but I wasn't mean about it, so this just isn't fair.  And I really just want to cry about it!  I know, I know..I need to get over myself.  This just plain stinks!

-On another topic, do your kids "sass/correct/back talk" you?  I can't decide if Caroline is a "know-it-all" or if she is sassing me sometimes or if she is just truly telling me something with good intentions!  It's no secret that she is too smart for for her own good, but there's times when I just don't know whether to discipline her or crack up laughing.  She most definitely corrects you if you're wrong about something which I can't stand, but in a way I'm proud of her for knowing what's right.  So lately I've been telling her that yes, she may be right, but, she has to watch how she says things so that people don't think she is being sassy!  For instance, this is a usual phrase out of her mouth, "...actually mommy...{example: it was 7:23 when we got home}."  Sometimes she's so literal!

-We'll be making Resurrection Cookies again this year.  I posted about them last Easter, and I hope some of you will share this great experience with your kids this year.  It was such an eye-opening thing for Caroline when we did each step.  I hope you get to share this with your family!  If so, be sure to let me know how it went!  This week in Caroline's folder I found this:

What a great time to get this!  I'll be able to tell her how much They love her too!  It sure makes a momma know she's doing something right!

-I'm starting to get excited!  My birthday is a month away!  Yay!  My dad used to joke that I have birth month!  Ha!  I sure wish I did!  Anyway, I'm scoping out my wants to give hubby a few good hints!  I think I really want some new charms for my charm bracelet!  Here's a few I love!

James Avery Charm Bracelet

-I have finally decided I have to give up Dr. Pepper.  I will never loose any weight if I can't let it go!!!  I plan on making the switch to Diet DP this weekend!  And then...30-Day Shred, please don't hurt me!  Actually, I'm not sure that I will get to do the Shred with my back being in such a sorry state!  I may be reduced to only walking!  I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter Holiday!


T said...

We have the 30 day shred and LOVE it but we LOVE the Cardio Max video that they have out too. They are both really great quick (or longer if you add the extra time to it) workouts! I would try it out with you back because I have a bad back too and they seem to be strengthing my back not harming it. In the Cardio Max, Bob gives you different ways to do the excercises if it hurts too much. We have been doing these and going to the gym and honestly I feel more worked after 20 minutes of those than an hour step class at the gym.

Now going to check out your recipe!

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

I know how you feel but I was actually put on harsh medication to try and correct my adult acne. It worked wonderfully but a year later my skin is starting to fall back into its own state….it’s still better than it used to be but my baby fine complexion is no mas. The medication also made my lips swell up like balloons! A normal person would have hated it but I loved walking around with plump lips!!

Happy Eadter to you too!

Martha Jones said...

Oh my goodness! I have totally been breaking out too! I had the same zit on my chin last week. Ugh! I thought those days were over! LOL!

Happy Easter to you and your sweet family!

Shorty said...

Omg, Girl I have so much to say I should probably send an email, but oh well here goes...

I have had the same issues with my face breaking out and I'm about to be 36 next week... its my hormones and getting back on The Pill has helped more than I can say. If you're not on it you might check with your doc. Cutting out those Dr. Peppers will certainly help, cuz what goes into your body comes out in your pores.

Also, just give up soda (yes, even diet) all together. If you look at a label and it says High Fructose Corn Syrup then you're ingesting a horrible ingredient that tricks your body and jacks with your natural insulin production. (I could go on and on!) Coke Zero has aspartame, not HFCS if you really want a soda, but if you can just have water, crystal light, real juice, tea... you'll be so much better off.

And, as if you haven't heard enough from me... I think you're on the right track with correcting Caroline. Talking about what's cool to say outloud is definitely something our kids need training with.

And I love your charms! Hope you get them all, especially the Longhorn!!! Thanks for the reminder about the Resurrection Cookies! Going to get that now!

Camily said...

Love Caroline's drawing! So precious.
Also--I went through a horrible break out phase and ended up on meds from my dermatologist. I'm fine now, but I don't get it.
Happy Easter!

April Kennedy said...

Happy Easter to you too. And, I got my clipboard in the mail. Even cuter in person. I love it. Thanks!

Trina said...

Oh my goodness, sounds like Caroline and Rayna are twins! She is so literal too and thinks she knows everything! I have to tell her all the time that I've been around alot longer and know more than she does LOL. And yesterday I realized she always says "What if" when I tell them not to do something. She'll say "Well what if {such and such} happens." GRRR. But I love her to peices!

Anonymous said...

hey girls just wanted to tell you that i love you and miss yall and please take the zit pic off the blog its gross.