As I get older, I look around me and see how much changes around me on a daily basis. For the most part I deal with change fairly well. Some days I don't. I'm realizing more and more that you really do have to take hold of your life and make changes to be happy, to get to a place you want to be. I am happy. And most days I'm at a place I want to be in life. Most days.
I do, however, hate the fact that change takes time. I'm an impulsive girl, and I like instant gratification. Getting a business up and running is not instant, but will eventually be gratifying. I just want it now or yesterday would be even better. I've been giving my business time to grow, me time to learn, and we're getting there.
I quit my full time job over a year ago. It's been eye opening and I've learned quite a bit about me. I don't like to go to work, at least not in the traditional sense. And yes, I know there are plenty of people who feel this way. But what truly makes me happy is being at home, or even having my own place of business. I like the freedom to be where I need or want to be. I like creating what I feel like creating, whether its doing a photo shoot and editing or painting or crafting things.
It makes me happy to be able to go to my daughters school and have lunch with her because well, the days of it being cool to have mom around are slowly creeping away. It makes me happy to be home when the hubs gets home early and we get a little time to ourselves. I love being able to run errands and take care of family stuff during the day so that I can actually be with my family in the evenings.
I love being part of the amazing people who are bringing back the art of handmade things. I'm still a very very small business and I just want to live my dream. I tried to go back to work last month. And in doing so, I realized that I wasn't happy.
And of course the minute I took a job, my business suddenly got very busy. So it's back to focusing on my dreams and my family.
Another change, another chance to see what comes my way.
Marching On
13 hours ago